We did it!

We finished almost everything we had planned, and got it all to the show. We met lots of people, including other artists and collectors. We got some valuable feedback and insights, and have lots of new ideas of what we need to do next, starting with social media (something we…

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We’re Back!!

Yeah, so it’s been over a year and a half, but no, we didn’t fall off the earth. Blanket went back to school for some very important learning, and I had a rather large set of projects that kept me from this work. There were a few custom orders that…

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Busy Month

November was quite the busy month for our little business. It started with the sale of our first stuffie (the Unicorn in a Jewel). Then a bunch of time was dedicated to getting this website up to a decent standard (thanks to our good friend Rachel for helping with that)….

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A Cool New Stuffie Idea

Did you think we’d forgotten our original goal? Yeah, so did we 🙂 Back in the summer Blanket and I were showing off some of our project ideas to Owyn’s mom, and she got really excited about a stuffie I had made for Blanket – a reversible dragon (an egg…

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Starting Some Stuffies

These are my first few stuffies that were made specifically to match some of the blankets that we’ve already made. A number of the blankets already have matching animals planned for them, but I’m still sourcing out patterns that have permissions for resale.

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